Primary aim of any rural technology training institute should be to create home scale industries related to primary needs of the people and thereby to create wealth and self-employment in villages and to abolish the exploitation of big industries. So we should prepare rural technicians capable of establishing their own home scale industry in the village. As industry must be related to the primary needs of the people, it will create rural alternative of big industries such as oil mills, sugar factories, textile mills, rice mills, cement factories, power houses etc. Generally these six organized exploiting industries related to the basic needs of the people must be decentralized because of our efforts of creating technicians for rural industries. Most of the people create a doubt that we cannot attack big industries and we cannot compete with this well established big industries. This is completely false notion. We can easily compete all these big industries simply because home scale and village scale industries enjoy many inherent benefits which big industries do not have. So any home scale or village scale industry related to primary needs of the people is inherently more viable than big industries. I have already tried and proved in 85 countries that tiny oil mill is far more viable than big oil mill because tiny oil mill enjoys more than 20 inherent benefits which big oil mill does not have. So big oil mill can never compete tiny oil mill. I have listed out all such inherent benefits in a separate article 'BENEFITS OF TINY OIL MILLS'. Similar inherent benefits are available for tiny rice hullers against big rice mills, tiny jaggery units against big sugar factories, to home scale spinning and weaving activities against big textile mills, to local farm scale power house against big thermal power plants, to tiny cement units of 20 bags per day against huge cement plant of 4000 tons per day etc etc. We must remember that big oil mills, big rice mills, big textile mills, big sugar factories, big thermal power plants, big cement factories can exist only due to government support and many hidden subsidies. In a free competition without any support from government, all these big industries cannot compete to tiny home scale and village scale industries.
If we have this faith in our heart, we should train rural youths to start their own tiny rice hullers, tiny oil mills, tiny jaggery units, tiny textile units etc.
I established 500 tiny oil mills unfortunately without any training institute in villages. All are working most successfully. Edible oil worth Rs.300 crore is produced annually from this oil mills. Big oil mills cannot compete my tiny oil mills. So we can go on establishing tiny oil mills upto 3 lakh units in India. As big oil mills cannot compete to tiny oil mills, they have to die their natural death. So our duty becomes to train maximum number of people who can establish tiny oil mills in their village. Similarly we should train maximum number of people in shortest possible time to establish tiny rice hullers in their village. Similarly we should train maximum number of people in shortest possible time to establish ginning machine in his village to gin the cotton. Similarly for spinning and weaving.
So our primary objective must be to train the youth so that he can establish his own business. So diploma or certificate must be avoided because once diploma or certificate will be given, student will be tempted to become a slave with a salary of some exploitative business which is simply dangerous to our aim. Once the trainee establishes his own home scale industry, it will be his success and it will be our success. No any other certificate or diploma.
So courses should be as short as possible. Not a single day more than necessary. For most of such industries 1 month course will be quite enough. It can be shortened to 2 week course also.
As Gandhiji has advised no any training or educational institute should build expensive buildings. Directors and founders of such institutes should understand beauty in simplicity. Please remember that India is burning by the flames of big industries. Before it burns to ashes we have to save India by extinguishing the fire of big industries. So we have no time and we must act as fast as possible. So we should create maximum possible technicians by shortest possible courses. Every course must be for one specific industry only. We should not have long course of 1 year teaching many things at a time. It will be wastage of time and energy because trained person will not establish 10 types of industries. So it is absurd to teach agriculture, animal husbandry, repairing of electric motor, fabrication and welding and making pickles in 1 course. If your institute trains 50 persons with 1 year course, then you create only 50 home industrial units. But if you run short term courses of 2 weeks only then you create 50 persons in each course x 24 courses in a year = 1200 home industrial units. Every training institute should consider local requirement with respect to local crops. In a paddy area course of rice huller must be predominant. Where sugarcane is main crop, jaggery production must be taught. In a cotton area, ginning, spinning and weaving must be emphasized.