Now more sophisticated totally enclosed and hygienic stainless steel 3 roller crushers working on 1/2 hp electric motor have come in to market in which no fly or bee can touch to juice. So fully protected. These crushers are highly efficient not to require second crushing. Only one pass is enough to extract 63 to 65% juice recovery. Crushing capacity is 120 kg of sugarcane per hour i.e. per hour 300 glasses of juice 250 ml each.

See you tube video link.:
This new sugarcane crusher will bring revolution in sugarcane industry. At present India produces 35 crore tonnes of sugarcane out of which 25 crore tonnes is utilized for sugar making and rest of the 10 crore tonnes is used for jaggery making. So there is no any appreciable roll of fresh sugarcane juice vending business. This business should increase tremendously.
Sugarcane juice is the real AMRUT of this land. It has many good qualities. If sugarcane juice is taken regularly, malnutrition will be removed and people will be very healthy. Gandhiji wanted to see redness of rose on the children's chicks of the poor people. Gandhiji's dream can be realized if entire India drinks a glass of sugarcane juice, 250 ml in the morning and also in the evening.
But most unluckily we are producing poison from the sugarcane. We are depriving this AMRUT from the people. We must reverse this situation.
So let us understand economics of sugarcane.
One acre of land will give 40 tonnes of sugarcane for a good crop. 40 tonnes of sugarcane will give 25 tonnes of sugarcane juice i.e. 25000 kg = 1 lakh juice glasses of 250 ml.
So we can understand that from 1 acre sugarcane 1 lakh glasses juice is produced.
If we sell juice glass at Rs. 5/- then total income will be 5 lakh rupees. If 60% of this income goes to farmers, then income per acre is 3 lakh rupees. which is from 40 tonnes of sugarcane. So rate per tonne is Rs 7500/-. This is very good rate for farmers.
Then transport of sugarcane to cities and running sugarcane juice centers and profit of sugarcane juice centers will be from rest 40% cost. Everybody will make very good profit even by selling juice at Rs. 5/- per glass.
Now let us understand the economics of sugarcane juice centers.
Let us presume that during the day machine crushes 1000 kg of sugarcane giving 2500 glasses of juice.
Generally each glass of juice is sold at Rs. 10 per glass. But we must provide at Rs 5 only.
Then 2500 glasses x Rs. 5/- per glass = Rs.12500/-.
1000 kg of sugarcane will cost Rs.7500/-.
If sugarcane is brought from far away villages, transport cost, labour and all other expenses will be Rs 2500/- per tonne. So juice centre will earn Rs 2500 per day.
So net profit per day will be Rs. 2500 and monthly profit will be Rs 75000/-.
So everybody will be very happy, farmers will be very happy and people enjoying the juice will be very happy. Everywhere win win situation.
So naturally as this business is highly profitable, hundreds and thousands of such fresh juice centers will come up at every possible place.
Such machines must work in Lakh of numbers and fresh sugarcane juice must be made available at every street and corner of cities and towns and villages, at hospitals, at market yards, colleges, at cinema theatres, at gardens, at marriage place, at temples, at malls, at railway stations, at bus stations and also on highways. If there is no electricity, this juicer machine will work on 2 solar panels of 250 W each. So it can work anywhere.
As per my estimate, 20 Lakh such modern sugarcane juice centres can work throughout India.
For every 2500 population, one sugarcane juicer should be installed.
Each centre may crush 100 tonnes of sugarcane per season.
20 lakh such juice centres will totally crush 200 million tonnes.
This is more than 50% utilization of sugarcane for fresh juice out of total sugarcane production of 350 million tonnes.
This is best utilization of sugarcane. It will also yield Bagasse which is cattle feed.
1 tonne of sugarcane will give 350 kg of bagasse. Each cow can eat 10 kg of bagasse as cattle feed by mixing something palatable to cows such as a little salt or jaggery or molasses etc.
So each juice center will serve to 35 cows to provide cattle feed to cows.
This should be free service to cows.
Rest of the 150 million tonnes of sugarcane must be utilized for sugar making and jaggery making in equal proportion in farms. So roughly 7.5 million tonnes of sugar will be produced and 10 million tonnes of jaggery will be produced
Almost 75% sugar factories will permanently close down because of non availability of sugarcane. It should be noted that sugar is creating 58 types of diseases. So better its consumption is drastically reduce.
When we utilize 50% sugarcane crop just for fresh juice and rest of the 50% for jaggery and sugar, it will be automatic people’s ban on sugar factories.
When we increase consumption of fresh sugarcane juice, naturally consumption of coca cola, pepsi etc will drastically reduce. Similarly increased consumption of fresh sugarcane juice will also reduce the sale of beer, wine, whisky etc considerably.
This will be unimaginable revolution and benefit to rural economy.
So this activity will also improve health standard of the country to very high level.
So 20 lakh fresh sugarcane juice centers will be real blessing to india.