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Self Employment By Localization

To make India happy, millions and millions of self employment jobs should be created. It means that we should develop cottage industries, home scale industries and family size enterprises in millions of numbers for producing primary needs of the people and for comfortable living of the people. Here under is the partial list of such home industries in family enterprises and how many people can be absorbed into it.

  1. Spinning of cotton yarn by Amber charkha equipped with solar panel. Each such charkha can spin 1 kg of yarn. Each home can spin 300kg of yarn annually. Total cotton production in India is 600 crore kg. So 2 crore amber charkhas are required. 2 crores of women will get direct self employment in their homes without going outside.
  2. Weaving of cotton yarn into cloth by small power loom equipped with solar panel. One such power loom can weave 10 sq mt of cloth consuming 2 kg of yarn. For 250 working days cloth production will be 250 x 10 =2500 sq mt consuming 500 kg of yarn. For 600 crores of kg of yarn, 120 lakh looms will be required. So 120 lakh people will get self employment in their homes.
  3. 5 lakhs more people will be engaged in trading of yarn, trading of cloth etc.
  4. 10 lakhs more people will be engaged in making the machines i.e . amber charkha, looms, solar panel ,DC motors and related equipments.
  5. India produces 35 crore tons of sugarcane. To make jiggery out of it, one lakh jiggery plants are required to be installed in farms which will produce 5 crores tons of jiggery in the crushing season. Each jiggery plant will employ 20 workers. So totally 20 lakhs worker will be employed in direct employment in jiggery plants. 5 lakhs more people will be required for trading and exporting of jiggery. So totally 25 lakhs in jiggery making.
  6. India produced 3 crore tonnes of oil seeds. To extract oil from all the oil seeds, 3 lakh tiny oil mills are required. Each oil mill will employ 5 persons. So total employment will be 15 lakhs. Moreover 2 lakhs oil Ghanis are required in villages and cities. It will give self employment to 4 lakh people. One lakh more people will be engaged in trading of oil and oil seeds. So totally 20 lakhs people will be absorbed in edible oil industry.
  7. India produces 20 crores of paddy. To process all the paddy in the rice, 3 lakh rice hullers are required to be installed into paddy farm itself. All these rice hullers will be driven by steam engines and rice husk will be the fuel in the boilers. Each rice huller will employ 5 persons. So 15 lakhs of people will get direct employment. 2 lakh persons will be engaged in trading and exporting of rice. So totally 17 lakhs people will be engaged in rice milling only.
  8. Once food and cloth industries are decentralized into villages, prosperity will come up in villages and there will be huge demand of houses in villages. So there will be huge demand of cement, lime, bricks, flooring tiles and other related materials for homes. So 6 lakhs tiny cement plants of 1 tonne capacity will come up in villages which will employ 30 lakhs people directly for manufacturing of cement. Similarly 70 lakhs more people will be required to produce bricks, lime, tiles and other related materials. So at least one crore people will be engaged in house construction activity.
  9. Power generation will be fully decentralized. 3 Crores of solar thermal power plants will come up in farms and villages. It will employ 6 crore people. One crore tiny wind turbines will be installed in villages just for light. It will not give any direct employment. But in making wind turbines a few lakhs technicians will get self employment.
  10. Manufacturing small machines for producing primary needs and creating comfort to people will accelerate heavily. So roughly 50 lakhs of technicians will be engaged in various such activities. The above list is not exhaustive. It is partial list. Still roughly 11 crores of people can be engaged in decentralized industries making our villages self reliant and prosperous.

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