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Evils of Giant Power Houses & Its Solution

Giant Electricity Power Houses such as giant thermal power plants or giant nuclear power plants are established  either by governments by collecting tax from the people or by giant private companies by collecting huge money by way of shares of the company. In either cases, money comes from the people.

Giant Electricity Power Houses give rise to giant factories, centralize production and create Giant Economic Power Houses.They promote huge scale coal mining, displace people, create huge scale pollution, misuse all available resources on the planet and conspire against the people by promoting Giant Economic Power Houses.

Giant Economic Power Houses ally with political parties and create Giant Political Power Houses.

Giant Political Power Houses work for Giant Economic Power Houses and restrict or abolish the freedom and liberty of the people and exploit the people by more and more taxes in the name of development and create monopolies for heavily centralized Giant Economic Power Houses which again support to Giant Political Power Houses.

So root cause of every evil is Giant Electricity Power Houses and grid lines joining them.

Common masses do not get any benefit from such Giant Electricity Power Houses or if they get a little just for lights in  homes, it is just a trash and trifle, just as I get benefit of removing cold if my house is burning. Please remember the fact that half of India has no electricity connection in their homes in spite of 180000MW installed capacity of Giant Electricity Houses.

All evils such as exploitation, poverty, starvation, unemployment, hunger,  displacement, terrorism, urbanization, war etc are essentially the consequences of  alliance of Giant Economic Power Houses and Giant Political Power Houses through Giant Electricity Power Houses.

So to remove the root cause of evils, we must find out alternative of Giant Electricity Power Houses.
Steam engine is the biggest revolutionary weapon to abolish TRIO of Giant Electricity Power Houses, Giant Economic power Houses and Giant Political Power Houses, all at a stretch.
Steam engine is the most effective tool to build up local economy and to bring freedom and happiness to people.
Steam engine is appropriate  equipment to abolish all evils such as unemployment, poverty, hunger, inequality etc.

Steam engine can run home scale, farm scale and village scale tiny and small power plants in millions of numbers working on solar or biomass.

 So small steam engines will prove to be the World Scene Changer Machines in this 21st century creating freedom and happiness for common masses.

Entire British empire was built and expanded in the world only by big steam engines.
We can abolish present exploitative economic structure by  small steam engines, by decentralization and localization of all industries.

All local small family scale industries are far more viable than big centralized industries. So all basic need industries such as rice, edible oil, jaggery, sugar, textile, power, cement are technically and economically more viable and sustainable as most of these industries are self sufficient in power also such as tiny rice mill can generate its own power, tiny jaggery plant can generate its own power, tiny oil mill can generate its own power and where ever power is required, solar powered steam engine can be attached to it. So no infrastructure of roads, rails, mega cities, petroleum exploration, coal mining, heavy transportation will be required. No exploitation of whatsoever. Everywhere freedom and happiness.

Seems impossible? Seems Utopian thinking?

Then please be serious. I have practically proved in 85 countries that my tiny cooking oil mills are far more viable than big oil mills. More than 1600 tiny oil mills are profitably working in 85 countries and providing pure natural fresh cooking oil to people. What is true for cooking oil is true for other basic need items.
So please discard from your mind that bigger is more viable. Small is always beautiful, more viable and blessing to humanity. So please accept small, encourage small and discard big big bogus things and be happy.


Steam Engines are ideally suitable for protecting freedom and liberty of people.

Once you are having your own power, solar or biomass through steam engines, you are not affected by fossil fuel prices or electricity tariffs. Let the diesel prices may go up by 20 times,
Let the electricity become expensive by 40 times, you are affected at all. This is real freedom.

So enjoy your freedom and liberty through Steam Engines.
Get rid of slavery of government and government sponsored energy companies.

Abolish grid power, boycott grid power.
Grid power is Greed power.

No society can be said as free society if you are using energy from government sponsored big companies.

Mahatma Gandhi has asserted that all the means of production of primary needs of the people should be in the hands of the common masses. Electricity is primary need, power is primary need. So the equipments to produce the power and electricity should be owned and operated by common masses. It is only possible through steam engine.

Every American farmer had his own steam engine up to 1930. Every American farmer was a free citizen up to 1930. After that he became slave of electricity grid companies. So he is no more enjoying his freedom and liberty.

Man must be of his own destiny. It is not possible without his own power. You cannot get your own power without steam engine.

Please remember steam can be produced by solar concentrators. Do not depend upon diesel or petrol. It may betray you at any moment.

Be independent in energy and you will be independent from government also.

Drive out idea of big things from your mind. Big is always bogus. Think always about small things manageable by you.

Small is always beautiful. Steam engine gives you small power.
Love the steam engine, and hate huge power plants.
Install steam engine and boycott huge power plants

Love thy neighbor and hate the government.
All big companies are robbers.
Change the base of entire economy from company centered to family centered.
Reduce the size of the production units up to family size.
No big companies are essential in the world.

Produce locally, consume locally. Avoid unnecessary transport.

Do not allow you to be controlled by big companies. Do your own business and earn your own income.

Everywhere steam engine will be your best friend.
Steam engine is the basic infrastructure beneficial to people.
Steam engine is blessing for freedom and liberty.

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